

The everyday essential brew, cleanse your system daily, full of goodness made with supreme therapeutic herbs of Herb Robert and Lemon Balm.

• A light flavoured calming brew to enjoy anytime of the day.
• Our version of green tea without caffeine.
• Cleansing and detoxifying effect on your body
• Assist with reducing inflammation in the body.
• Calming effect on the Nervous System.

Herb Robert
A supreme therapeutic herb and enhancer of the immune system, research has revealed Herb Robert is a source of antioxidant germanium which is a valuable element to the body, as it has the ability to make oxygen available to the cells, More oxygen at cell level, means the body has the opportunity to fight disease by its own powers and healing can take place quickly.

Lemon Balm
King of the herbs for the emotions, a slightly sedative effect and can help lighten the load of depression. Lemon Balm is calming and soothing the nervous system.

Tea Time: Anytime of the day.

Ingredients: Herb Robert, Lemon balm
Qty: 50gms
Brew: 1 tsp per 200ml per cup.
Time: 3-5 minutes

"Your Daily Tea Essentials"
